Formulated with the finest natural resins, bees wax and sensuous aromatherapy, LYCON delivers superior results, removing stubborn hair as short as 1mm like no other. At the same time, LYCON low temperature, super pliable and gentle waxes, provide a nurturing and skin conditioning treatment for extra client comfort, even on the most sensitive skins. Professionals use LYCON with confidence, to achieve completely hair free results for all types of hair growth, everytime. LYCON enjoys unparalleled recognition worldwide for unsurpassed product quality and professional integrity.
The range consists of hot waxes, strip waxes and the unique LYCOJET waxes, complemented with LYCON’s harmonising before and after waxing lotions. In addition, LYCONspa Specialist Body Care provides corrective solutions for home use, in between salon treatments. LYCON’s array of quality waxes come in many exciting colours and scents, and allows professionals to tailor the best waxing combination for total customer satisfaction.
LYCON has been setting waxing standards on a global scale for decades and remains the market leader.
All our therapists at Aura are experts in the use of the Lycon waxing system, ensuring that you get the very best in almost pain free hair removal.